Music / Composrer

Offenbach in the Underworld


One of the great originals of modern dance forms, Tudor is seen as a principal trans-former of ballet into a modern art. His work is usually considered as modern "psychological" expression of austerity, elegance, and nobility. Offenbach in the Underworld, a humorous story about the flirtatious interactions among celebrities at a 1870s French café, is filled with colorful characters and costumes. It culminates with a sultry and exhilarating chorus line of high kicking known as the "can-can."

Ballet Synopsis excerpted with permission from the Ballets of Antony Tudor by Judith Chazin-Bennahum.

Choreography: Antony Tudor.

Music / Composer: Gaite Parisienne, Jacques Offenbach, Orchestrated by Manuel Rosenthal.

First Performance: Philadelphia. Convention Hall. May 8th, 1954. Philadelphia Ballet Guild.

First Performance Cast: Michael Land, Viola Essen, Ruth Anne Carr, Paula Mainwaring, Sylvia Kim, Michael Lopuszanski, Maurice Phillips, Elaine Wilson, Jon Jones, William Wilson, Judish Gesensway, Odette Phillips, Laura Campbell, Phyllis Dersh, Barbara Flaxman, Dorothy Greathead, Elizabeth Mozley, Claire Shirli, Robert Daley, Vincent Gonzales, Olin Kearse, Joseph Plomchok, Conchetta De Prospero, Ann Garrick, Sybil Klein.

Costumes: Judith Gesensway (Skoogfors).

First Canadian Performance: National Ballet of Canada 1954.

Costumes: Kay Ambrose.

First NY Performance: Metropolitan Opera House. April 18th, 1956. Ballet Theatre.

Scenery / Costumes: Rene Bouche.

Notated: Notated in 1975 by Lynne Weber, revised by Leslie Rotman 1983-86 (Labanotation), 1975 by Susanne Menck (Benesh Notation).

Number of Dancers: 3+12 Women, 3+4 Men.

Average Length: 40 Minutes.

Costumes: National Ballet Canada, Joffrey Ballet, Ballet West.

Scenery: National Ballet Canada, Ballet West.

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