A Choreographer Comments
Comment I: Arabesque-A position in which the body is supported one leg, while the other is extended in back with the arms harmoniously disposed, 587 arabesques.
Comment II: Jete-A spring from one foot to the other. 224 jetes.
Comment III: Pas de bourré- Three transfers of weight from one foot to the other.
Comment IV: Tour-a turn, 60 turns.
Comment V: Quatrieme en l'air- Leg extended in front.
Comment VI: Bourré Courue- Small running steps.
Comment VII: Petite Batterie- Small jumping steps in which the legs beat together. 597 beats.
Comment VIII: Posé - A step onto a straight leg. 65 poses.
Comment IX: Tour - A turn. 184 turns.
Commented X: Pas de chat- Literally, a step of a cat. 1 Pas de chat.
Ballet Synopsis excerpted with permission from the Ballets of Antony Tudor by Judith Chazin-Bennahum.
Choreography: Antony Tudor.
Music / Composer: Franz Schubert; Octet in F Major. Opus 166.
First Showing: New York. The Juilliard School. April 8th, 1960. Juilliard Dance Ensemble.
First Performance Cast: Pina Bausch, Chieko Kikuchi, Jennifer Masley, Michael Imber, Jeryy King, Virginia Klein, Myron Howard Nadel, Carol Lipman, Koert Stuyf, Benjamin Heller, Mabel Robinson, William Louther, Carol Egan, Barbara Hale.
Professional Premiere: Syracuse, NY, Feb 20th, 1976 Syracuse Ballet Theatre.
Average Length: A Juilliard film - 23 minutes.
Number of Dancers: 5 women, 3 men.
Notated: Excerpts notated 1963-1964 by students Shiela Zatroch and Margaret Cicierska (Labanotation).
Lighting: Thomas Di'Gaetani.