Gala Performance
The ballet takes place in a large theatre during the 1800s. The opening scene is backstage where members of a ballet company, complete with ballet master, conductor and wardrobe personnel, are in the throes of last minute preparation for a Gala Performance with three very distinguished guests – La Reine de la Danse (from Moscow), La Deesse de la Danse (from Milan) and La Fille de Terpsichore (from Paris). Individually, the guest artistes arrive and their hosts (and the audience!) instantly assess their personalities. In the performance which follows, each guest appears and the Gala concludes on a high note as the “stars” attempt to steal the limelight from each other during their curtain calls.
Title of the music: 1st movement of Piano Concerto #3 and Classical Symphony
Composer: Serge Prokofiev
Running time: 25 minutes
Number of dancers: 3+10 Women, 3+4 Men
Contact Amanda McKerrow with any licensing questions.
Credits: Sarasota Ballet; Frank Atura